Getting hurt on the job is not just a risk for those guys who trapeze walk skyscrapers while eating lunch. It is a risk we all share, whether we work in construction, nursing, teaching, or another field. Unfortunately, getting hurt at work is also a common occurence. In 2013, there were over 300,000 job related injuries, and those are just the ones that got reported and recorded! Below are a few suggestions on what to do if you get hurt at work. If you get hurt on the job and take the following steps, you stand the best chance of getting your life and career back on track:
Step 1: Write It Down-Immediately!
Even if it’s carpel tunnel that ails you, switch hands and start documenting the injury. Include the time you were hurt as well as the date and the site of injury as specifically as possible. This last part is extremely important as sometimes resulting coverage does not include injuries sustained on the commute to work. If you got hurt at work sitting at your desk, make sure to include “Cubical 232, 3rd Floor, Lex Luthor Industries” or some such proper noun in the report! Finally, don’t forget to write down exactly what you injured and how you believe it happened, being as truthful as possible. Print and sign your name, and if you can, get any witnesses to the incident to print and sign the report as soon as possible as well to bolster your legitimacy.
Step 2: Report The Incident ASAP
Many employees delay reporting when they have been hurt at work because they fear termination or reprisals from management. We strongly encourage you to resist this fear and report the incident to your human resources department as soon as possible to avoid missing any legal deadlines! Even if your HR department greets you with equivocation and coldness, this is useful information to you going forward. And you can go forward, even if your job has no mechanism of reporting to speak of…
Step 3. Inquire About Worker’s Compensation
Worker’s compensation is a legally mandated method of redress available for any employee who is injured on the job. The general gist is that filing a worker’s compensation claim will result in the employer covering medical costs and paid recovery time. In return, the employee is barred from persuing legal action outside of the workmer’s comp agreement.
Even if your employer seems amenable to a workmer’s compensation claim, we strongly recommend consulting a workers compensation lawyer about your case. They can help you navigate your state’s specific laws and filing deadlines as well as ensure that your employer keeps up their end of the bargain. Getting hurt at work is no picnic, but luckily, this is the United States of America. Even if your back fails, this country has yours.