It’s understandable to be nervous when it’s time to contact your local attorneys for help. Should you find yourself on the receiving end of a car crash or are considering the benefits of applying for bankruptcy, the next step can seem nearly impossible with your limited knowledge. How do you even begin navigating the complex field of local and nationwide law? Attorneys are an ideal resource for anyone currently caught in a bind, able to provide their perspective on a number of issues to help you get on your feet faster than if you’d ventured forth alone.
It’s not easy to admit when bankruptcy is your only option. It is, however, a means for you to start over and proceed without fear of climbing debt. The average Chapter 7 case can cost as low as $1,500 and as high as $3,000. Hiring bankruptcy attorneys will also increase your chances of a successful claim. Studies have shown having an attorney by your side throughout the filing process will boost your probability of winning to over 95%. Around one million people will apply for bankruptcy every year.
Personal Injury
Have you been injured or made ill on the job? It’s possible you qualify for a personal injury claim. Over 75% of states require all businesses to have a workers’ compensation plan in place, so the first step you should take is reviewing your local state laws and see what you could qualify for in light of your injury. Slip and fall incidents are a common factor that keep employees from their job and it’s estimated as many as 20% of these incidents result in a month away from work.
Drunk Driving
Recovering from a car crash is a difficult and slow process. Should you be lucky enough to come out without serious injury you still have insurance claims to file and a car to repair. Drunk driving costs the country over $200 billion every year in damages. Each day people will collectively drive drunk over 300,000 times, but a mere 4,000 will actually be arrested and tried. A car accident attorney can assist with the necessary filing and interrogation required to help you recover.
Social Security
When you’re held back by disability or chronic illness, social security can provide you the financial backing you need to still lead a high quality of life. Over 60% of aged beneficiaries receive at least half of their income, if not more, from social security. A recent Pew Research Center survey also saw 50% of Millennials admitting they don’t feel they’ll qualify for social security by the time they retire. If you have doubts about your ability to receive state benefits, social security attorneys can put you on the right track.
Financial Debt
Last, but not least, it’s possible to seek out assistance for clearing out debt. Also contributing to bankruptcies, debt is at an all-time high in the United States and affects millions of people daily. The average American home has 13 payment cards. Compare this to less than one out of four Americans having enough money in their savings account to cover more than six months’ worth of rent in an emergency. Managing your debt can seem impossible, especially if it originates from medical bills or loans, but there are always resources you can turn to.
Your local law firm can provide you with the resources you need to get back on your feet, no matter the blow life has dealt you.