Most average people don’t have an attorney on call. But there are actually quite a few legal services that you might find yourself needing from time to time, even if you don’t run a high-profile business or something along those lines — and building relationships with some attorneys can make sure you’re not scrambling or going without legal advice when you really need it. Here are five types of attorneys you might consider looking into:
- A Personal Injury Lawyer
Personal injury cases are generally unexpected (whether you’re finding yourself liable for an injury or filing a claim to meet your own financial needs), so it’s good to have a personal injury attorney you know you can trust. Doing some research in advance will ensure that you have someone to consult immediately should an accident occur.
- A Real Estate Attorney
Many people don’t even know that real estate attorneys are an integral part of making smart real estate transactions, in addition to real estate agents. Real estate attorneys can deal not only with the legal paperwork associated with buying and selling property, but also residential and commercial leases.
- An Estate Lawyer
The legal issues surrounding an estate can be considerable, especially if you’re anticipating leaving either a sizable estate or unsettled debt after you pass. You can ensure that everything is properly documented and that your family will be taken care of by working with a qualified attorney who specializes in estate planning.
- An Employment Attorney
Have you ever been treated unfairly at work? Do you know if any of that unfairness has risen to the level of illegality? Most workers wouldn’t, just as they wouldn’t be able to determine if they experienced illegal hiring discrimination and wouldn’t know if their workers compensation claims were handled correctly. Your job is one of the most important parts of your life, and you should know who to talk to should you feel your job is in jeopardy.
- A Family Lawyer
Litigation between family members can be deeply emotional and complex, and that’s why it’s so important to have a good family law practitioner you can turn to. These types of attorneys deal with issues such as divorce and child support.
What other kind of legal guidance might an average person find themselves needing? Discuss in the comments.