Whether you’re considering filing for divorce, a personal injury claim, or bankruptcy, or perhaps you just need a little legal advice, there comes a time in nearly everyone’s life when finding a lawyer is a necessity.
The entire legal process — including the process of finding a lawyer — can seem daunting if not outright intimidating for many people. After all, the legal system has a reputation for being confusing, long and drawn out, and perhaps most importantly, costly. However, many of the myths and uncertainty surrounding the legal system are based on fear not reality, making them untrue.
In fact, you may actually be quite surprised to see how quick, easy, and painless finding an attorney is. Here are just a few important things to keep in mind when looking for the right lawyer for your needs.
Choose a lawyer who has direct experience with the nature of of your lawsuit
While this may not always be possible — just look at the copywright issues surrounding the monkey who took a selfie with a photojournalist’s camera — choosing a lawyer who is knowledgeable regarding the exact nature of your filing is critical. For example, you may be in need of a local bankruptcy attorney, however, it’s important to first determine if they specialize in residential or commercial bankruptcy.
Pay close attention to advertising
It’s easy to feel bombarded if not overwhelmed by all of the mobile, print, and television legal ads out there. But the truth is, not at all advertising for lawyers is created equal. In reality, many successful legal professionals do little to no advertising at all and instead rely on word of mouth. Your state’s bar association, as well as personal recommendations can be helpful when finding a lawyer.
Ask questions
Last but not least, it’s important to express and questions or concerns regarding your case, billing, etc., during your initial interview or consultation with your potential lawyer. This is the perfect time to get you know more about your lawyer and their experience, as well as get a feel for how they operate. When choosing an attorney, this step is perhaps one of the most important.