Three of the Biggest Reasons Trucking Accidents Are So Common in the States

In a major semi-truck car accident, the occupants of the smaller vehicle are at the mercy of natural forces, and considering the size and weight of a big rig, they will probably not escape serious physical harm. These victims will need the services of a commercial accident lawyer to help them deal with the effects of their injuries.
In addition to experiencing higher death rates, the occupants of passenger vehicles comprise nearly 75 percent of the injuries in collisions with big rigs. Common truck accident injuries include severe lacerations that can leave horrific scars. Broken bones are more common than in collisions between two automobiles because of the tremendous forces involved in commercial truck accidents. Spinal injuries can cause neck and back pain, and in some cases can result in paralysis. Head trauma can be a life-changing injury. Other internal injuries include damage to the liver or kidneys.
No matter the nature of the injury, an 18 wheeler accident attorney can help victims seek the damages needed to cover medical expenses and related costs. If you have been injured in a truck accident, consider seeking help from a commercial accident lawyer.

Unfortunately, trucking accidents are common in the United States. Commercial truck accidents can happen for a variety of reasons, some due to negligence and some due to bad luck. If you’re in a semi truck car accident, and you are injured, you should hire a tractor trailer lawyer to help you. These lawyers specialize in accidents involving semi trucks. They know common truck accident injuries and the things that patients need in order to recover from them. While you’re dealing with your injuries, the lawyer can work with the insurance companies and make sure that you get the compensation you’re entitled to get.

Finding a lawyer might seem like one more task on top of an incredibly stressful time, but it is worth it. You get the benefit of the lawyer’s experience and knowledge so that you can focus on recovering. Look into groups that can recommend a good lawyer for you. You might also be able to ask friends or family members who have been in accidents if they have someone that they recommend you hire.

What should i do after car accident

Did you know that, according to, trucking accidents account for one out of every eight auto accidents in the United States? In other words, trucking accidents aren’t nearly as common as many drivers think, but because the effects of trucking accidents are so much greater, they tend to come across as a much bigger threat. After all, in a trucking accident, 98% of people killed are drivers on their everyday commutes, not trucking drivers.

While a huge share of trucking accidents are actually caused by other drivers, a scary number are caused by truckers themselves. How can you avoid an accident and save yourself having to seek out trucking accidents lawyers to file a car accident injury claim? You can start by learning what to be on the lookout for.

Three of the Most Common Causes of Trucking Accidents in the U.S.

    1. Excessive Speeds

Just as speed represents the single biggest cause of accidents between non-commercial drivers, so, too, is the need for speed the most common cause of trucking accidents. As writes, many trucking companies actually encourage their employees to drive too fast for the sake of making more money. Avoid getting hurt and having to seek out car accident compensation by looking for unnecessarily speedy trucks. If you see this, stay away from them. It only takes one bump in the road, one unforeseen hazard, to lead to a terrible accident.

    1. Mechanical Failure

Beyond speeding, trucking accidents lawyers can tell you, mechanical failures are also a serious concern when it comes to keeping our roads accident-free. Tire blowouts, brake failure, damaged or impaired steering columns — as NOLO suggests, all of these things commonly lead to fatal crashes.

As you might imagine, your ability to spot mechanical issues from your car is limited, at best. Looking for stuttering wheels, trailers that seem to be all over the place, and non-functioning signaling lights are all good ways to spot a failing vehicle. Just keep your eyes open.

    1. Driving While Impaired

Impaired driving — despite common belief — might not be the most common of causes for trucking accidents, but it’s way up there. Impairment can mean any number of things: many drivers try to skirt regulations forcing them to rest for a certain number of hours after working X hours in a day. Others take amphetamines and hard drugs to help them stay awake. As any trucking accidents lawyers worth their salt can tell you, looking for zig-zagging while driving, drivers with nodding heads, or any erratic driving actions can help you avoid becoming a victim to an irresponsible driver.

Do you work for a truck accident law firm? What would you tell drivers to be on the look out for? Let us know in the comments below. Find out more about this topic here.

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