10 Blogging Tips for Your Law Firm
When everyone is blogging these days how would you stand out the crowd? Writing a blog is very easy for most of the people but writing a good and eye catching blog post is not child’s play. It demands years of writing experience to write attractive blog post for your law firms. The prime inbound marketing technique is that you have to develop a very good content for your law firm. It has to be concise, compelling, forceful, easy to read and responsive.
Here are ten blogging tips for your law firm:
1. Be You:
Try to post your blog related to your area of expertise or brand. In simple words, if you are writing a blog on person injury, it must not touch other areas that have nothing to do with the legal matter. Similarly, if you wish to blog on latest court rulings, the opinion must be reflecting your brand combined with your service. Try to be consistent and concise.
2. Develop a Writing Voice:
Try to develop a good writing voice that reflects your education, attitude and years of experience. Your style of writing should be different from others and the phrases you use in the blog must be unique and touchy. Before going through more and more blog posts, you should write a blog on what you are a lawyer and get is checked from the person who knows you very well. If you get the feedback in positive then Hurrah! You have developed a good writing voice, if the feedback is in negative then Alas! You have to spend more time on writing to get command.
3. Be Interesting:
Try to be interesting while writing your legal blog post. If you post a mock blog post, it would not create influence over the minds of the readers. Hence, try to come up with new ideas and approaches and they must be presented in meaningful and professional manner. Repetition of ideas, redundancy, and use of high jargons, will not work for you. Hence, when you write on a legal issue, try to touch all sides of the topic. It would help you to develop analytical skills to larger extent.
4. Think Outside the Box:
When you decide to write a blog post for your law firm, try to think outside the box. Come up with creative ideas having greater influence over the mind of the reader. The more time you spend on brainstorming, the more ideas you would develop for your new blog posts.
5. Use Keywords but Don’t Abuse Them:
It is really good if you are integrating your blog post with certain keywords but it is very harmful if you overuse them for nothing. When a person overuses keywords, it’s called Black Hat technique coupled with keywords stuffing. This practice will harm your website visibility hence use all researched keywords naturally and professionally.
6. Stay in your Niche:
Do not confuse readers by posting irrelevant blog posts on your site. Try to be what your law firm offers. It is in your larger interest that all you blog posts should reflect your brand meaningfully.
7. Don’t Duplicate Content:
Your website ranking will be falling, if you post duplicate content on your blog. Search engines have developed a very good system that easily finds the duplicate content hence avoid using plagiarism techniques and try to write genuine content.
8. Track Results:
Use Google Analytics to see which blog posts of your site gains more traffic. This would help you to understand what readers are looking for and which legal matter should be focused in upcoming posts.
9. Feature Guest Posts:
If you have access to various sites or you have got any mentoring services, try to reach out those resources for feature guest posts. It would be really better if you find a blog offering the same legal services that you offer. Try to get a feature blog post on that site.
10. Don’t Force It:
It is not necessary that if you are an experienced litigator and you can write a good blog post. Before writing a blog, try to assess your writing abilities and creative traits. If you think you do not have the qualities required for good blogging then do not give up. Keep trying but don’t force yourself.